In this blog, I will show concrete example how to use Repository APIs.
First of all you need to understand how to configure respository in pega and there are various service providers (Amazon S3 , JFrog , Microsft Azure and etc.,) for our services.
For preparation, you need to set up a Repository. Please see for details.
In this example, I have defined a Repository rule "JFrog" utilizing JFrog Artifactory, but you can use any type of Repository Ex: S3 Bucket, Azure. Make sure "Test connectivity" return "SUCCESS" & Validate connectivity to know wheather all Repository API's are Working.
And i have already configured the Jfrog Respository for storing attachments / code in to the respository so first configure the repository in order to get better understanding about Repository API's.
If already connected with any respository then you can dive into this blog. If not You can follow the below steps in the link for configuring JFrog repository in pega.
JFrog Artifactory Cluster Repository to store the case contents/attachments and code.